Do you have a teen who is looking to cultivate marketable work skills,
or a teen you are not quite ready to let be alone all day this summer?
Do you have a teen that you want to be productively and meaningfully engaged all summer?
The WGCN DuPont Counselor in Training (CIT) Program is just the program for you!
The CIT program is a perfect way for teens to gain experience, not only in mentoring children and planning community events, but in life skills such as :
- following instructions
- assuming responsibility for actions
- working with constructive criticism
- showing up on time, following through
- goal setting and identifying measured improvement in self.

The CIT program is run by our team of WGCN youth experts so that each CIT gains the maximum social, behavioral, emotional and life skill experience he/she can from participation.
The CIT program also works with the parents in order to tailor goals to what you would like to see further developed in your child!
The CIT program is not a tutoring program. WGCN tutoring (remediation) or Getting Ahead (working on forward skills) can be added separately.
Our youth program team works with the teens and the parent to goal set through out the summer in a measurable way.
They are learning in a supported, supervised way. They are not alone. They are nurtured.
Please feel free to email questions about our WGCN CIT program or to request an information packet.
We look froward to helping you maximize the potential of your teen.
WGCN CIT spots are limited to 10 teens, so early application is advised.
9 am to 5 pm or 8 am to 6 pm
WGCN DuPont, 1460 Wilmington Drive

Why is there a fee for our CIT program? It sounds like a job.
Our CIT program costs $1500 for the months of July and August. This is a deep discount off of our standard day camper rates of $3000-5000 for the same duration.
The CIT program is designed for teens who may be (or feel) too old to be campers- but either desire child related work experience or need to work on launching into adulthood goals.
CITs are not WGCN employees or volunteers – they are teens working on personal and parent set goals. The WGCN program is used as the platform by which students work and achieve these goals.